Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stupid Poem

In moment of darkness
I always see those tiny sparks of light.
almost imaginary,
dancing, beckoning me.

Risky as it may be
a fata morgana
mirage, built on a sense of hope;
saving me
or dooming me,
I had yet to know.
But still I followed them.

They became my beacon
my savior,
a ranger to guide me out
of this jungle of shadows
to a safe haven beyond.

Hurt as I may be
from that gloomy journey,
full of bumps and yelps;
but I am still alive now
breathing and well.

Now whenever I feel lost,
when I feel all hope abandoned me
and I am engulfed
by the darkness
of my heart;
I close my eyes
and relish the thought
that somewhere
there is that spark of light
in my heart,
in my mind;
always shining
true and strong

my pathetic attempt at poem
PHAIL miserably
oh well xD
till then~

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