Thursday, January 14, 2010

meet ryn-chan :)

short note: urgh nooo. dan.. dr.. rawrf

i went to guitar heaven and back
with a baby!

went to excelsior shopping centre on tues. It's an old place but you can't believe how many music stores packed into it. I think i passed at least 13 of them. or more. must be more. I lost count when i saw the number of guitars on display. and its not small stores, mind you.

Its a rarity to find more than one music store in a shopping center. Let alone 13+ of them. And some of these are really hugee stores with racks upon racks of stuffs. Heavenly. And the price is really reasonable too. I got my guitar (yamaha f-310, yeah i rant about it before) for $208 (approx. rm495) + set up, lower than the prices that i checked here. plus, think i saw D'addario strings for only 7/9 bucks(RM14/18) compared to 24+ here. sales competition is good eh?

(do tell me you can find cheaper price for it)

i don't know what got over me. I didn't think much when it got it and just went for it xD lately i did everything on a whim. less brain work. which is good; or bad haha.

i see that, i haven't written a long blog post for awhile. might try to do that soon.
btw, YUI's muffler out on YOUTUBE.
for some reason i don't really like it.
its more like YUI's personal story in a song. It lacks of hooks and sadly, forgettable. but still, i wish there's live performance. though 99.9999999% i wont be able to attend it xD

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