Saturday, December 26, 2009

GLORIA and other insignificant things

short note: i did it all. must i jeopardize everything?

YUI new song out d :D
Another great song from her. It has a very catching hook and will stick in your head for sure and and easy to learn chords (a plus for me hehe) although I can't sing along at all.

GLORIA has a very meaningful lyrics. It revolves around teen's struggles and I can really relate to what she's trying to convey.

Listen to it.
Look it up online cause I don't want to post it here LOL
I can send it though if you ask nicely hahaha


I know whats wrong with me now. I just can't bring myself to forgive anyone anymore. I am holding grudges to anyone who even subtly caused anything to happen to me, how insignificant that 'anything' may be. I am mad at everyone yet the only person I can get mad at is myself. It's your fault.

Childish, I know, but I just can't do it. I just can't close my eyes and forgive anymore; and this placed a very heavy weight in my mind. It's your fault.

Oh fuck it, I hate whining. But I have to get this statement out of my head. So yeah, forget that, I know its all my fault.


There. My first rant in almost half a year.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Funky Monkey Babys

short note: learn to read subtle messages.

I found out about this group last month; and i am addicted to them.
watch the PV

most of their PVs are very meaningful (most as i haven't watch all of them yet) which is contrary to recent trend of incorporating dances and weird unnecessary elements in music videos. It is refreshing indeed; a bonus for their great and meaningful songs.

while watching the PV, look out for the funny DJ :)


Friday, December 11, 2009

of cuteness

short note: not everyone has ulterior motive. i mean, seriously, don't be so paranoid!

I have to admit that i have soft spot for kyoko. You can tell by the blog banner. It's her! In a chicken suit. I'll tell you the story some other time. haha. I am not into shoujo manga though. Its just that SKIPBEAT! is too funny to me to stop reading it. And really cute too!

tell me I'm right!
LOL I'm cheating on YUI!


I saw this cute commercial the other day.

and it made my day :)

au revoir

Monday, December 7, 2009

update :D

short note: i can watch ellen again now! :D

I know I have abandoned this blog, yet again.
Believe me I do want to post something and I have several drafts lining up, but alas none of it will be posted since none of it is finished, or will be finish for that matter!

Ergo, let’s do the simplest posting method.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Kw and Wk for the wonderful guitar. Sadly I can’t take any picture since my phone still refuses to materialise before me. I still can’t find a place to display it though. Part of me don’t even want to prop it up for fear someone will trip and break it, which will certainly leads to someone will broken body parts, but I assure you I will AFTER I get an impact, fire, bullet, water, wind and radiation proof glass case. Promise!

Also, thanks for the YUI album. LOVE IT TO BITS! Thanks gals ;D. I found some interesting things about that album will post it soon.

Hmm, let’s see..

I had fun watching Kw danced/moved his skinny gay ass in Republic Poly and chanting along with the Capoiera team from all over the globe. I have to admit he was pretty awesome if I minus the fact that I know nothing about Capoiera and how awesome can it be. So yeah he was awesome. LOL.

I had a rare chance to witness the Leonid Meteor Shower, which was honestly pretty bleak. It was showering alright, with rain. But I persevered and witness some 4 beautiful specks. I wished to post more about this but I can’t seem to put it in words. I admit I fantasized for a more spectacular shower but small beauty make you appreciate it even more. IF you notice it and know what IS beauty.

Went to AFA with SQ, YG and his cousins 3 weeks ago (?). I failed convince YG to follow me inside and he stubbornly insisted he rather spend time alone outside that with us, which is really a twisted logic. But I learnt not to challenge it, not worth it (I should tell someone to be prepared for this haha). We had a great time inside though. Gasping at sexy cosplayers and beautiful models, watched spectacular Regional Cosplayer Finals performances, which include a barely clothed pair with lights that lights up when they are mad or so it seems and an intricately made Gundam Exia(?) suit, and and awful backache induced by dragging a lion along. You should check out SQ’s facebook album for the photos. I have yet to see them yet! DAMMIT!


I think that’s all I can remember for now :D
I promise I'll post more :)


p/s i realized my written language and tone changed again. It sounds weird don't you think?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

boku wa kimi ni koi wo suru

its been awhile since ken hirai release a nice ballad xD
heres the full song. with rough translation haha

Thursday, October 29, 2009


ooh i found this song few days back

nice rite nice rite?

now listen to the korean ver.

lol i cant decide which is nicer

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stupid Poem

In moment of darkness
I always see those tiny sparks of light.
almost imaginary,
dancing, beckoning me.

Risky as it may be
a fata morgana
mirage, built on a sense of hope;
saving me
or dooming me,
I had yet to know.
But still I followed them.

They became my beacon
my savior,
a ranger to guide me out
of this jungle of shadows
to a safe haven beyond.

Hurt as I may be
from that gloomy journey,
full of bumps and yelps;
but I am still alive now
breathing and well.

Now whenever I feel lost,
when I feel all hope abandoned me
and I am engulfed
by the darkness
of my heart;
I close my eyes
and relish the thought
that somewhere
there is that spark of light
in my heart,
in my mind;
always shining
true and strong

my pathetic attempt at poem
PHAIL miserably
oh well xD
till then~

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


i am loving

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

YUI's Life Story

short note: gah i hate being depressed D:


Monday, September 14, 2009

Firecrackers in your Pants XD

short note: i am not ready to forgive yet huh? your fault. i've changed.

im seriously in need of meat.
I cant imagine celebrating Eid without meat.
wait now that i think about it.
who will cook fish anyways =.=

I miss having free reign on my plate. I miss the ability to fill mountain of meat chunks on my plate with lots of gravy on it.

speaking of missing things.
I miss the feel of Ramadan in its 'glory' days here.

When i say glory day i meant the rocket firecrackers exploding in succession, loud bamboo cannon firing contest (of sort), huge out of nowhere fireworks and the occasional popping of small firecrackers or loud chinese dragon firecrackers.

The pelita at the ending of it. the whole house revamp with the lampu lap-lip (the blinking colourful lights usually hanged near the main door) and new house paints. Or at least the sound of laughing and running children playing with sparklers.

I miss having very eventful and loud nights. where everyone seems to enjoy themselves.

to me those sounds are the one that define the month. the sounds that make the whole night alive. like a battlefield (insert jordin spark voice here).

I used to rate the 'happening' level of Eid by how loud the nights go by. The louder it is the better the celebration will be. Usually this will be decided on the last night when everyone goes all out with their supply. But now, its so quiet, even cricket wont make a sound.

Everything stops now.
No more cannon firing.
Less rocket firecrackers
no more fireworks (even on independence day!)
less firecrackers burst
less house with pelita
less house with revamped house.
no more children playing after hour

something is missing in the celebration.
I know you will say that real Eid celebration never meant to be celebrated that way.
but why take the fun away from us?

yeah, its obvious that more stupid people lose their limbs and eyes around this time. note that i say STUPID. because the way the play it is so STUPID it makes our eyes bleed. THE BLOODY REASON WHY THERES A FIRECRACKER BAN NOW.

all this makes the celebration more dull somewhat. no noise. no boom. no pop. no laughter.
maybe its just me who feel so.
someone who likes everything to stay the way they are.


till then,

p/s: yeah yeah i know you gonna say Ramadan not suppose to be celebrated like that.

Friday, September 11, 2009









Wednesday, September 2, 2009


short note: thats the weirdest man i've ever seen.

whats UP?

"The word UP has more meaning that any other two-lettered word. If you are not confused after reading this, you must be really messed UP.

It's easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we waken in the morning, why do we wake UP?

At a meeting, why does a topic comes UP?

Why do we speak UP, and why are the officers UP for elections, any why is it UP to the secretary to write UP a report?

We call UP our friends, we use paint to brighten UP a room, we polish UP the silver, we warm UP the leftovers, and clean UP the kitchen, We lock UP the house and some guys fix UP the old car.

People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite, and think UP excuses. To be dressed is one thing, but to be dressed UP is special.

A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP. We open UP a store in the morning, but we close it UP at night.

We seem to be pretty messed UP about UP.

To be knowledgeable about the proper use of UP, look UP the word in the dictionary. In a desk-size dictionary, UP takes UP almost a quarter of the page and definition add UP to about thirty.

If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the many ways UP is used. It will take UP a lot of your time, but, if you don't give UP, you may wind UP with a hundred or more!"

excerpt from

Ok so lets just watch UP.
and bottoms UP and toast to my completion of writing this UP xD

Monday, August 31, 2009


short note: ooh i bake pretty delicious cream puffs. but i cant eat them :(



she going for rock look? hmm.. i see mika nakashima xD

avatar version ;)

ITS ALL TOO MUCH - YUI (all rights go to her ;) )


Friday, August 28, 2009


short note: my throat feels weird...

Doctor: So you should cut back on eggs and meat, OK?

Me: err okay.. im fine with eggs, pimples and all haha.

Doctor: *smiles

Me: But meat? All red meat? Can i eat lamb?

Doctor: Thats called meat too right? So no.

Me: Chicken?

Doctor: Try to cut back on that too.

Me: ookaaay.. *so im left with fish and nuts?*




Wednesday, August 26, 2009


short note: i got phlegm in my lungs?! what again?

Sometimes in life, you will encounter one of those moments where you'll get hooked up on something that you swear you hate to the core. "I never thought I would love it," you'll said or "OMG WHY AM I DOING THIS AGAIN." Either way, they convey the same meaning.

For me it will be, YUI (yeah I did say I don't like her style before, surprise?), guitar (I still wish I could play piano or violin, oh well) or reading Korean celeb gossip.

Yes, that.

I swore that I will never get hooked up on anything korean. Thank God I am not (living in denial xD). What with cute crying boys and under the knife smexy hot babes anyways? And hangul? Seriously, the first time I read romanised hangul i laughed so hard my eyes waters. Im evil huh? Laughed at other people language. xD

But anyways, I come to term to many Korean things lately, DBSK, Yiruma, SNSD (YEAH HOT GIRLS RULES XDD), Younha and Clazziquai Project to name some. Well the list not that extensive trust me xD and where else can i get my daily dose of Korean stuff other than natalie's blog.

but now

how am i suppose to get my daily dose of that now? (and stalk her lol.)
there goes my chance of using those knowledge to *erhm.

I hope it will be up again soon :) the rise and fall of her blog is epic xD

all the best in your study natch! :D
and wish your blog is up again haha


Monday, August 24, 2009


i only realise this lately.

I have something call 'haircutonophobia'. I am terrified of hairdresser, barber etc. that does the same line of job of cutting someone hair. Seriously.

My body will freeze over and turn rigid at the sight of hair salon or barber parlor. and it usually takes 2 - 3 times visit (or more like walk around) to that 'wretched place' before i dare to step inside and face the total horror. Of losing my hair.

Well thats not really the reason.

I guess not many people will feel this. The feeling of someone breathing over their neck, brandishing scissors and blades with occasional razor buzzing millimeters away from their ears. The feeling of putting absolute trust in someone else, hoping that they wont messed up and end up with a light bulb as a head. Or headless afterward...

That thought alone kills me even before the blades touch my skin!


This is the common situation that i face:

sitting. hair dresser behind me. he tries to strike a conversation. manage one sentence answer. long silence prevails. Blades closing in. Body all tensed up. hand on my head. told to hang my head down. neck feels like concrete. managed that after few seconds. skin all tighten up. feels like screaming. one layer of hair gone. internal eternal scream. watch hair flutter down helplessly. gasp. stare up at the guy. try to fake a calm smile. repeat a few times.

feels the agony.
pay up.
walk away.

well the last 4 parts rarely happens now.

so anyways I like my hair cut now. after 3 month not cutting my hair. xD
3 month of avoiding any barber.

but i still have that phobia.


i wan to learn this version of sea.
someone tab it for me?

dewa dewa~

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I know right.
I hardly post anything personal in my blog now. Hmm.. i should do that soon too. or not. xD

ya ya i know my blog suddenly becomes YUI's shrine. just what i want it to be.

I am not in the mood of writing about myself ya know. Just those lil moment when i feel crappy and the idea of tearing my vocal cord (or others preferably) apart seems like the best thing to do.

And wallah i found this:


he is the first jrock artist that i ever listen to. although sadly only one song and i never ever listen to jrock until YUI-sama appeared! But since to tear apart vocal cord with rock song is such a good idea hence i listen to him right now =D

who wouldnt if he is like this:

or this

or play like this:

i believe when the girls praised his skill he answered its all CG xD

this song is the first song i heard from him 4 years ago?

nice lyric.

Itoshii Hito.

Nice lyrics too. =D

Friday, July 31, 2009


The first thing i did when i reach home this evening was


ooh a sun burst strat i think xD

Today is the day YUI performed in "ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 09"!!! It's been such a long time since YUI made a public appearance since her long hiatus. Now the jpop OJOU-SAMA is back on stage armed with watergun to assassinate our heart!! Although i cant be there sadly but who wouldnt be happy to see YUI even in pictures? In ninja-like yukata? Its a die for! *dies*

I believe I kyaa-ed when i saw this pic


then suffered a temporary spazzing moment.

I really wish i was there! Her comeback is really out of the world. That is the cutest hair style ever. and the outfit? speechless! Its like the cutest yet most disarming ninja ever. seriously. I can imagine a crowd of YUI fanatic kyaa-ed when they saw her walked on the stage!

From the forum i read she performed 8 songs including a tribute song to kawamura kaori, ZOO who just died days ago.

cant wait for the videos. until then



Thursday, July 23, 2009

YUI x Kaiji

YUI has been tapped to provide the theme song and an insert song for the manga-to-movie adaptation "Kaiji," which stars Tatsuya Fujiwara as a gambler trying to erase an enormous debt.

Initially, YUI was only asked to provide the theme, but director Toya Sato ended up using two of her tunes. "It's all too much" will serve as the theme song, while "Never say die" will be heard during the film.

"Kaiji" is set to open in theaters on October 10. YUI's two songs will apparently be released as a double A-side single sometime in the same month.


Japan, 1995. After graduating from high school, Itō Kaiji moves to Tokyo to get a job, but he fails to find steady employment because the country is mired in its first recession since World War II. Depressed, he festers in his apartment, biding the time with cheap pranks, gambles, liquor and cigarettes. Kaiji is always thinking about money and his perpetual poverty frequently brings him to tears.

Kaiji's unrelenting misery continues for two years until he is paid an unexpected visit from a man named Endō, who wants to collect an outstanding debt owed to him in Kaiji's name. Endō gives Kaiji two options - either spend ten years to repay this outstanding debt, or board the gambling ship Espoir ("hope" in French) for one night to clear the debt. Using a con, Endō pressures Kaiji into accepting the deal, believing he will never come back from the voyage.


This is sooo cool a single in october? what can better?

of Beauty and Books

short note: hmm should i register under nuffnang i wonder..

As the kids dance around the front yard under the night sky and the lights, i see something.
Lua and Marie are holding hands.
They look like they're so happy, just inside this moment, watching the kids and the lights on their old fibro house
Lua kisses her.
Just sodtly on the lips.
And she kisses back.
Sometimes people are beautiful.
Not in looks.
Not in what they say.
Just in what they are.

Part 3, chap. 6 a moment of beauty. i am the messenger

now why did i copy that down. I should have copy down an excerpt from Fool by Christopher Moore which is waaay better xDD

My recommended book of the month.

Fool by Christopher Moore
Blood Sucking Fiend By Christopher Moore
the Soloist by Steve Lopez
We'll Meet Again by Mary Higgins Clark. (lol i cant remember if the title is right but i love that book)

till then
adieu-nara xDDD

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Traveler IQ

short note: i still missed those days.. must get over it. phail.

This Traveler IQ challenge compares your geographical knowledge against the World's Original Travelogue's other 4,284,166 travelers who have taken this challenge as of Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 04:14PM GMT. (TravelPod is a TripAdvisor Media Network member)

THis is such a nice thing to play wif xDD
my traveler's IQ is 81.
whats yours??

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Writing Dreams

short note: i am not gonna repeat history and cut myself any deeper.

There was once a time when I had no dream at all (or can’t remember any) when I sleep. A time when I used to dream about plain blank ongoing horizon with a huge white fluffy bear smacked in the middle or just a white white world. Oh how I wished I had a dream back then. Although that cute white bear seems very relaxing (and huggable) now.

Aww shucks


Now, to be able to wake up in the morning (or in the middle of the night) and remember my dream in detail is not a good thing after all. Especially when it comes with painful after effects. But do I regret it? Definitely NOT.

Being able to remember what I dreamt about means to be able to write about it. I watched a documentary that said the best ideas came from dreams when there are no logic and rule. In this state we basically unleashed our full potential because when we are dreaming who cares about being caught by police for running with our pants down right (in the dream)? Not that I want to do that either.

i dont mind if she catch me tho xDDD

Lately I kept having weird lucid dreams. Sometimes I would dream reading a music sheet out of thin air or humming to a nice melody. Of course after I wake up I can’t remember anything because I suck at notes. But other times I would wake up 3 in the morning looking frantically for my phone and type down whatever I dreamt about moment ago (most of the time half awake).

I don’t know why I felt so inclined to write it down. It’s not like as if I want to craft it into a short story or novel (haha) anytime soon. Because let’s face it, the last time I ever finish a short story was when I sat for my SPM! But I have to admit what I dreamt sometimes was so interesting (or plain weird) that I can’t stop myself but to write it down. Call it the writer instinct in me (perasan) xD.

Now as I read through my phone drafts, I kept thinking it is such a waste to delete it all. They used to be so interesting in my dream. Although reading them now, I felt it had lost the luster it had before. For some reason I can’t capture what I saw and write it down perfectly and beautifully. I am losing my touch. I can’t even remember how to spell certain words now and I bet there are so much grammar mistakes here that you are cringing inside thinking how suck I am. But I can still remember the feeling I had when i saw all that. I can still feel the fear that ran through my spine when I was shot or the glee when someone was acting goofy when he saw YUI (its not me! I SWEAR!) haha. So I think I better write it down in full before I forget everything.

To do list:

Try to write at least one of the dreams.

I bet this will take forever..

Oh wait I can write it in one sentence.

I dreamt i was scolded by my mother-in-law-to-be because i can't use a chopstick properly. LOL what the hell?? I AM SINGLE I CANT DREAM ABOUT THESE THINGS!

I dreamt YUI was a villain that can use a Sharingan technique called ALTO EYES!

Alto clef xDD


-result of listening to YUI songs, reading naruto and music theory xD-

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

short note: All the more stupid.

I didnt know looking for a new guitar is so darn difficult. I've been researching and surveying for almost 2 months but i still cant find a satisfying one. Am I picky or have too high a taste? Most likely both. It would be freakish if that is applied to real life haha (not suggesting anything).

I've checked online for some choices for beginners such as Seagull S6, Washburn D10S which i havent seen yet and Yamaha F310 which in my opinion sound too bright for my taste and has big body (though i still very much considering it), Takamine G-240 and Fender DG7 (im not sure whether i've seen this one or not. but I saw a Fender Squire cost around 800-900 yesterday, didnt try it tho.)

I'll try to write sth about each of them when i feel like it. My mind is pretty much muddled right now. I feel awful.


check out this song.

pretty neat song. albeit leaning abit on the emo side.

so afterward. balance it out with this

Friday, July 3, 2009

boing boing bump bump

short note: im so lazy to write now. need motivation. tomorrow. xD

I am out of my mind.
cant get over sth so stupid
letting my self drown in self pity
i need to stop this growing insanity!

ignore that haha.
anyways i cant get this song out of my brain.

i know its a girl song. but the beat is sick so to speak.

the chorus is freaking nice right?
i like the lyrics and melody but i dont think younha fully fits the song.
I'm imagining someone else sing a cover for it and blow it sky high.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


short note: it used to be so easy but now its like moving mountain. Maybe i still can't accept it.

Dubbed as the beginner guitar, this guitar is surprisingly good and quite reasonably price for such a well-known brand. It has 20 frets and a narrow fingerboard (almost half the size of mine). Its quite difficult for me to play fingerstyle since im used to bigger fingerboard but I like the sound of it when strummed. Waaaaaaay better then mine. which sounds horrible with loud bass.

The specs The top is spruce, laminated, with natural finish. The sides and back are made of Meranti, fingerboard and bridge are made Rosewood, and the neck is of Nato. Its a dreadnoguht guitar/ semi-jumbo (dunno which). The body kinda a big for me but not as big as jumbo guitar. and it is surprisingly light!


for full guitar veteran review watch the vid below:

anyways. i think i will get one unless some one tell me there are nicer ones.
from the reviews i read around the net. none disagree with the prowess of this guitar. most of them said it is a very beginner friendly and super reliable guitar. and most importantly sounds brilliant for such a 'low' priced guitar.

Plus its easier for me to play barre chords on it haha. so more YUI songs for me afterward la. so you see where im going? YUI FTW BABEH! xD


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Topic?

short note:
never ever leave my phone behind again. Life is bleak without music

Every blog should have a common topic to rant about. Most people create blog to talk about their personal life, be it interesting or plainly narrative. Others as a hobby and some to talk about their interest. I guess that was why my blog always failed.
I never had a real clear topic of what to write about.

After long and hard pondering. I, Ikki the Great decides that i should write something other than my bleak life.
(except when it involves lame conversations) like before. Perhaps I should write about this

no not yui exactly. but guitars!
I've been thinking that i should really get a guitar of my own. purely for the satisfaction of buying something and naming it mine. instead of a secondhand.
its not that i have qualms with secondhands. Even Yui bought a secondhand 1977 Martin D-28 and shes loving it :)

Yui's Martin D-28 (i had to rip this from the original site. original picture here

So this site will be where i rant about what guitar should i get. plus lots of thing about jpop (yui specifically) and some boring life thrown in to spice things up a bit xD

till then~

btw yui new single out and she topped the Oricon Top 10 CD Single Daily Charts :)
waiting till her album out here..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Kar Wei's confession

Lots of stupid conversations will arise when im talking with Kar Wei. Sometimes we would crap for hours about stupid topic by twisted logic and sheer lame jokes that when uttered in front of anyone else will appear either stupid or lame. such as this

Kw: what if the guy is a gay, can??
me: do i look like i know any gays? you dun count la
Kw: i love hugging guys wei. haha. OMG i just said that.
me: omg new post for blog! *saves conversation xD
Kw: haha. wait. add in girls too.that should balance it up.
me: too late xD

later we were talking about this

me: you're convicted as being a gay in the Court of Life.
Kw: what is the Court of Life?
me: Well there is the Court of Law using Law so Court of Life is using ethics and tradition.
Kw: really?
me: nah i just made that up xD


me: where is your lawyer?
Kw: do i need one?
me: duh.
Kw: then i call upon kim.
me: too late la shes prosecuting you.
Kw: no way i ask her to be my lawyer first.
me: really? but i already said shes prosecuting you so there you cant have her xD


me: so present your case.
Kw: I am not guilty of all charges.
me: where is your prove
Kw: do i need one?
me: *copy and paste the first conversation* there i therefore convict you guilty. you are sentence to perform a one night stand anytime you wish. smack smack
Kw: right then i just stand here till morning haha.

this conversation occurred at 1 in the morning xD

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

dum de dum

its been awhile since i last blog.
anyways enjoy this song!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


oh yeah
im a mess
i need to clean up pretty fast

and oh yeah i have nothing in mind to post
down right mess

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Good Scare

This is one good scare for me.

I just installed this game for my brother. Since my C drive is nearly full I smartly install it in my personal folder and again with the stroke of a genius did not put it in a specific folder. Which is really a disaster in the making.

The program turn out to be faulty which annoys me considering the long hour of waiting for it to finish downloading. Half annoyed half tired i click on the uninstall icon and seeming thought that i was just ridding the program. Another big mistake.

The unistaller starts working. File by file were deleted. And with horror i watched as all my precious files, my songs, my pictures, my programs, my games, my videos, my animes and my movies disappeared before my very eyes. You could imagine the horror stricken face etched on my face.

OMG all of it gone for good? What in the world will happen to me without my songs! NO!!!

Panic overwhelmed me. I nearly screamed out of frustration. Last i check there wasn't any free full file recovery program out there(similar problem happened with my other com =.=). Desperate for something to salvage out of the mess of my life i type away file recovery free and clicked search.

and this popped out

and my problem solved! luckily. what a blardy scare. now i will keep a backup.


how fast can this cycle go?
before i knew it i'm in another mess
right after another mess
pathetic. yet i cant do anything about it.
i need that drug.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Self Reflection

this is a post after i read my old blog posts.

Thinking back I wasn't like this. I was queerer by all standard. In fact I was so queer I don't fit in in most places. I would hover around from one group to another collecting whats important to me as I went along. No regards for others. Only me and my business. Nothing else matters. That was who I was before.

Back then I don't have much care for companionship. I was a lone wolf. Me myself and my shadow was my motto. I was afraid to be close to anyone and shy away from any possible threat. I still remember why. I was so afraid of losing those who are dear to me that I don't want anyone to be one. But the truth is I crave them.

I need to talk to someone all the time. But none understand me. I was in a standard of my own when was growing up. I lack of all those things that boys used to play with. I have no PlayStation, Cable nor Computer Games which were and are the topics frequented in boy's conversation. I sucked in sports and aced my test all time. Which is not a healthy mix. So i grew up with friends enough to count with my 10 fingers. And I lost them one by one.

Maybe it was my fault somewhere but most of those who were close to me will move on after a year. I mean really move on to other places. And we always lost contact. By the end of of primary year I lost contact with everyone I was close to. I start to think that maybe i should not be close to anyone lest they move away from me. 'I am a curse.'

That was who I was. And now I think I ought to stay that way. Meeting you changed everything. Somehow you understand or pretend to. But I don't really care. I was comfortable with you, happy in fact. But my mouth run faster than my brain. I have no idea what should I do now. I have no idea how to mend it. I can't take back what i said.

Its been a year you know. I think things still stay the same huh? I still carry a curse.

The question now is should I revert back or stay the way I am?
I know the answer to that myself.


Being close to somebody is drug to me. I got attached to someone easily. And when I am close to the drug I am stupid. When I'm drugged I got stupider. When I'm trying to get rid of the drug I'm stupidest. When I run out of drug. I will be stupidier. After I'm clear of it I will have a hangover and I'll be stupider than the stupidest. bottomline that drug render me stupid. BUT THE PROBLEM IS I LOVE THAT DRUG! xD

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Mothers Day~

After hard labour during labour day you are now a mother! So happy mothers day~ xD

i've been cracking lame jokes on daily basis now. should make a career out of it eh? lol so random

Happy mothers day mom!

i know this post is one day past it but in your dictionary, mothers day is everyday so today is mothers day, right? I don't know where i would be without you. We used to fight a lot i know. I was such a hot head back then (and still am apparently) but you were always so forgiving, so understanding.

I know what kind of insolence brat i was. I had no regards for discipline nor for rules (and still am). Its hard being the second and 20 months apart from my sister. I guess now that i am all grown up i realise what kind of attention seeker i was. If you could disown me you probably would. Why not? i ran away once. trashed people few times. yell like mad man countless of times. But you were still there for me. all those years.

I still remember what you said to me back then. and what kind of mark it made in my life. Now i see the world in my own perspective. a perspective differ from the world.

You thought me so much. Yet i am unable to repay any of it. even if i carry you on my back to perform haj and carry you back it does not even amount to what you had given me. All i can do is thank you and love you.

You're more than a woman, mom. You're my mother.

Happy Mothers DAY!

Monday, May 4, 2009






most probably the most hilarious and eww-able PV i ever watched (or ever will)

note: i did not look for this stuff mind you. found it listed under the most viewed video in for quite sometime xD


Saturday, May 2, 2009

sometimes they sound differently at the other end

p/s: i have no idea why i choose SBSP

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sky Chord by Shion Tsuji

Rawr my download just failed again. that throttle tmnet put on download speed is really annoying. Compared to when there is none, my download speed is at tolerable speed (which is still not that good). I found a program called hotspot shield that will somewhat bypass the throttling but at a cost of ads invasion.

good or bad is up to you really. Plus using this you can actually use websites such as as the program will assign international ip (mostly US) for you. Last time i got assigned to california. So for those video addicts you might want to try. MOre information here

So instead of YUI i got Shion Tsuji instead. Nice song for Bleach ED.

SKY CHORD - Shion Tsuji

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mobile PC post

Can't believe it. My dad just gimme use a mobile oc (xda) his friend gave him 'cause he dunno how to use. Or rather lazy to learn haha.
Its a o2 xda atom exec. Kinda old I think (2006) bt the price then was $1348. Crazy price I say! Wonder why he gave my dad.
So far typing annoys me. good thing there is this thing called the transcriber. Darn i guess my hand writing cant be read by this thing too! Ah.. So anyways that conclUde my first mobile pc post. Till then!

Monday, April 27, 2009

I heard that song before

I heard that song before is a story of love, loyalty and deceit. The story revolves around Kay Lansing Carrington newly wed to a chronic sleepwalker Peter Carrington and her struggles to clear her husband name of a crime that he believes was committed during his sleep walking state.

Twenty-two years ago, Kay sneaked into the hidden chapel of the Carringtons' Mansion and overheard an argument between a man and a woman. That same evening, an eighteen years old Susan Althrop drove home with Carringtons' heir, Peter--- and disappear. Now 22 years later, that argument is a an important piece of puzzle to help clear the cloud of suspicion that hung around her husband since Susan's disappearance.

Mary Higgins Clark

With a page turner suspense plot that can rival that of the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, Mary Higgins Clark clearly lived up to her title as the Queen of Suspense giving the benefit of doubt to the reader. The book is a great bland of James Patterson subtlety with Christie's plot. It kind of remind me of Mary, Mary and The Unexpected Guest that somehow got a heap of love from both Kay and Peter.

I cannot say much of the author as I only read one of her book (shame on me) but so far I love this book lots and plan to read all 24 of her bestselling book. The fact that i don't even know that she exists until 2 days ago is eating me inside out.


Its kinda hard to plan for something. As the saying goes it is easy to plan but not to execute. A light year ago I was begging my father to let me go to Taylors College and spare me 4 month (and counting) torture and now he jovially joked (or so i hope) about Oxford University. Can you spare me of the pain?

There's always something of a give and take situation with me. I always get something but afterward I'll lose something of equal value. This is true as far back in my early years as i can remember. Until now I need to think twice to want something for fear that I lose another. Which is rationally stupid right? I got what I want for my SPM result but in return I got this also. Ah, what a wonderful life huh?

Honestly, sometimes I just can't stop thinking how suck my life is. But I cant stop thinking there will be others that feel just the same if not worse also. So in a way I am good. Kinda.

On the flip side, I'm waging war with my own habits!(which is good right?) Which include being too nice to others haha.

Till then!

In a brown study

Coming up with a name is always a chore to me. Sometimes i would spend hours sorting through a bunch of ridiculous name for a later ridiculous purpose.I always resented the fact that good names are always taken especially for blogs which later left to rot in the net. Which is a total waste.

miss elephant say hi!

In a brown study literally means in a state of deep thought or in a daydream. I came across this term in a wonderful book by Mary Higgins Clark, I heard that song before. A novel about crimes during sleepwalking state. Apparently the term was very common during the 19th century but it is almost fall out of use today mostly because who want to say 'im in a brown study dear' rather than 'im thinking here woman!' anymore now?

So anyways, I've decided to restart my blog (again). Feel free to 'follow' me. I'll update from time to time.


p/s: someone name the elephant!

for once I will stop being nice
I'll be ignorance
I'll be selfish
I'll step on others
because sometimes
i don't fit in